With the best cruises you can explore the vast seas and exotic locales in a relaxed manner while enjoying the best benefits offered in the ships. With ships that feature world-famous chefs, premiere spa service, Broadway shows, and even helicopter tours,...
READ MORE - World's Best Cruise Ships


Financial Advisors are not the core problem with mutual funds. No doubt most of them really mean to help. But the Mutual Fund Industry teaches them to do some silly, counterproductive things with your money, things that have you working longer and enjoying...
READ MORE - Financial Advisors - Helping Or Selling?


Apple's Quicktime movie format (recognizable by its *.mov extension) has become and almost standard for video files. It beats most other video formats in terms of compression and both video and audio quality. The quicktime format, however, is by no means...
READ MORE - How Can I Play Windows Media Files (Wma and Wmv) On a Mac?


While everyone is aware of how far technology has come today, many forget really how much specific devices can tell about various events. Cell phone forensics has become a vital piece of information and evidence that is used in criminal trials. Between...
READ MORE - Cell Phone Forensics at Its Best


You want to know how to speed performance on Windows XP Home because after a few weeks of purchasing your computer, you are already experiencing slow speed or the performance of your computer is not as good as it was the first time you bought it. The...
READ MORE - How to Speed Performance on Windows XP Home - Your Ultimate Guide to XP Home Performance Tuning


Benchmarking is the ultimate admission that most mutual funds aren't true investments, they're marketing tools. If you believe in benchmarking, then you need to read this article, for benchmarking is not in your money's best interest. There's a most...
READ MORE - Benchmarking - How to Achieve Spectacular Mediocrity


Everyone who drives a car needs car accident insurance policy. In most states, it is actually required by law. The problem arises with what kind of car accident insurance policy you should get.Car accident insurance policy is based on different factors...
READ MORE - Choosing A Car Accident Insurance Policy


Millions of car accidents happen each year in the United States alone. With these accidents come thousands of fatalities and countless injuries.When you sustained a personal injury or one of your family members died because of a car accident, you may...
READ MORE - Guides and Tips to Car Accident Insurance Claims


Over 2,000 Indonesians in Taiwan are known to have married locals in the past few years, Dr Andrew Nien-Dzu Yang, secretary of the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies, said here on Thursday.The figure was still small compared to the number...
READ MORE - Over 2,000 Indonesians in Taiwan Married to Locals


The other day I read about an acquaintance, another author, I know who was featured in The New York Times. As I came upon the story, try as I might to fill my mind with the bird songs and daisies of good will, I felt sandpaper scrape my soul. Immediately,...
READ MORE - Go Green: Turning Your Jealousy Into Strength


I like the iPhone. I really like it. With all the phones thrown our way I still went out and bought the original iPhone. It has been a game changing device. It has made other cellphone companies work on improving their interfaces and phones - or at the...
READ MORE - iPhone 3


Ingredients: 250 gr flour, 70 gr butter, 1 egg, 2 pieces of chicken legs, 100 gr carrot, 50 gr scallions, 4 pieces of shallots, 2 pieces of garlic, 15cc sweet soy-sauce, 200 gr bread crumbs, salt. Direction: Mix 1/2 of the egg with flour...
READ MORE - Risoles


We are in a New Era. Obama. The credit crunch. Globalization. Localization. The economic recession.Whoah.The world is smaller. Internationals are looking to buy property here because it is cheap and abundant. There's a fire sale going on and you don't...
READ MORE - Buying Real Estate - A Guide For the Savvy Investor


The Raja Ampat Island in Irian is group spreads out over a huge area and consists of over 610 islands. The four largest islands are Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool. The area's reefs are covered in a diverse...
READ MORE - Raja Ampat Island


A tectonic earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale jolted North Maluku at 8:46 p.m. local time on Saturday, the meteorology and geophysics agency (BMG) said. The epicenter of the quake was located at 1.75 degrees southern latitude and 128.98 degrees...
READ MORE - North Maluku Jolted by 5,3 Earthquake


Borobudur was built on a small hill in the Kedu Basin, a rich, fertile valley surrounded by spectacular volcanoes. To the east lie Merapi and Merbabu and to the north lies Sumbing and Sindoro. The unusual jagged Menoreh Hills encircle the temple to the...
READ MORE - Borobudur Temple


Marriage is beautiful, every wedding dinanti by all humans human. Not one if you choose red color as the best for your cosmetology in this special day. Gradient red and gold is a unique blend and make you appear fresh.Application of gold mixed with red...
READ MORE - The Touch of Golden Red


You find the perfect wedding dress, invitations, photographers, music, flowers, and many more. But there is still one more thing: your face. Beauty on the wedding day should be the priority.This is a day where you will be guaranteed to be a star. It...
READ MORE - Top 10 Wedding Beauty Tips


You want to teach children to better appreciate the money given him, and more intelligently manage financially? Do not think things like this are only the responsibility of the teachers in the school. This is your responsibility, as a parent. There are...
READ MORE - Teaching Children about Money


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Tarbiyah Islamiyah Organization said resorting to terror was not Islamic so that bombing terrors such as the bomb blasts at the two top hotels here on Friday had nothing to do with Islam."Islam does not adopt terror such as...
READ MORE - Bombing terror has nothing to do with Islam: Tarbiyah


Some developers claim to apartment development in the field of business can compete with the apartment housing business."We sure can compete with the property through the provision of a number of bids that consumers want," said Director of Marketing...
READ MORE - Apartments can compete with the Housing


Rod-shaped design with a slightly rounded tip, and black mengilat, making K-Touch A7726 seemed resistant rock. Touch screen is quite wide, 2.4 ".The keypad, though a bit hard, just as uncomfortable as typing a large-size and large width. Four-way navigation...
READ MORE - K-Touch A7726 : Simple Mobile Phone with Touch Screen


Economic conditions in the middle of the flagging dollar, you may have to weigh whether you should buy the dollar or not. So that not one step, see tips from sapphire Senduk below.1. Only Buy dollars at the official TraderOne of the things that make...
READ MORE - I Need to Buy Dollars?


Some time ago, I discussed with one end of the freshman program Strata 1 (S1) Department of Economics, a private university in Jakarta. He put several questions related to basic knowledge about the importance protect themselves with the various life...
READ MORE - Choosing a Life Insurance Policy Based on Age


Response concerning Microsoft OS Google Chrome is finally complete. After Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer comment, Bill Gates now turn to give an assessment.Same slate, for Bill Gates, Chrome OS not more than Linux. According to him, the operating system-blown...
READ MORE - Bill Gates : Chrome OS it's Only other Form of Linux