Give an example to the small. We learn how to handle money begins when we go adults. Find the three values that you want to make the grip for the small in managing money. Search also the three things that should not have made money on children, such as debt. Ajari it to do so themselves. Create an experience for the small to learn about money. Next you can teach the children about money according to age:
Age 4-8 years. Start with a clear savings. Can also be made with a large glass closed. He will feel tertantang to make savings in full. You can also try to give pocket money secukupnya started when children aged 7 years, can be daily, can per week. Teach him to record the expenditure as well.
Age 9-12 years. At this age, you can introduce children to make. How much money is spent, what more sparingly, and more. When the savings are sizeable celengannya many, or when he was still save the money cash-aunt and uncle, opened savings on name. Get it to the bank, among the banks around it, and introduce the interesting and how to save money.
Age 13-15 years. At this age, children may be you are curious to follow the trend according to friends seusianya. Try to invite him to understand more about money. You can get him clothes shopping with a specific target of money. Do not leave it when one wishes to buy goods with you. Your machine is not printing money, right?
Meanwhile, for the communication, teach your children about money with a clear case, not a problem with the abstract. Philosophy of "Saving, do not dispose of waste of money" just will not hit on her. If you want to call it dialogue, the reason you purchase a higher price rather than a similar item, different brand, or a cheaper one. Children over time to shop, get them to exchange opinions, why they need to buy the goods they purchase. Teach different from the needs and desires.
If your child knows, you never borrow money from relatives or have your credit card bills, terangkan to have your child needs to make a loan (debt) is. That you have the obligation and the need to meet the needs of families. That you also need to meet family financial goals. To achieve this, you need to create a perhituangan financial, savings, while the income was not sufficient. By providing information honestly, children will be able to understand more about finance.
great article... but... isn't that too risky or something, teaching our child about money?!?!?
am I the first one?!?!? huraaa...!!!
that great, I will do it if i have childhren
I agree with you. Teaching children about money is crucial; so that children will have ability on managing their money well. It's good for their future.
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