Natural vitamins are found only in living things, that is, plants and animals. Your body, with a few exceptions, can't manufacture vitamins. They must be supplied in your food or in dietary supplements but supplements can't replace food, especially fruits and vegetables which provide thousands of substances, some of which have well-known functions, and some whose roles in the human body are not yet understood or recognized.
Vitamins and minerals ...
? reduce your risk of getting a stroke or heart attack!
? strengthen your nails!
? improve your hair condition, strength and growth by providing certain essential nutrients to the hair follicle!
? beautify your skin by keeping it smooth, soft and disease-free!
? provide essential compounds that are necessary for growth, health, normal metabolism and physical well-being! Without them, you would die!
? promote normal growth and development!
? maintain bone density and strength!
? regulate blood clotting!
? help in the function of nerves and muscles, including regulating a normal heart beat!
When it comes to choosing a healthy diet for their children, many parents don't realize the important role that beverages play. For example, fruit flavored drinks and soft drinks are not a substitute for real fruit. Many of these drinks only contain 10% real fruit juice. The very best drinks are made from
Vitamins and minerals ...
? reduce your risk of getting a stroke or heart attack!
? strengthen your nails!
? improve your hair condition, strength and growth by providing certain essential nutrients to the hair follicle!
? beautify your skin by keeping it smooth, soft and disease-free!
? provide essential compounds that are necessary for growth, health, normal metabolism and physical well-being! Without them, you would die!
? promote normal growth and development!
? maintain bone density and strength!
? regulate blood clotting!
? help in the function of nerves and muscles, including regulating a normal heart beat!
When it comes to choosing a healthy diet for their children, many parents don't realize the important role that beverages play. For example, fruit flavored drinks and soft drinks are not a substitute for real fruit. Many of these drinks only contain 10% real fruit juice. The very best drinks are made from
hai.. link kamu sudah kupasang di blogku.. link balik ya... thanks =D
Consume vitamins every day as every day is a rainy day...
Vitamins and minerals are very much useful for human beings. We can't live without that...
Valueable article,thanks for post
thanks ya gan
mantap nih informasinya
infonya sangat berguna banget
sukses terus ok
izin gabung sini ajach ya
nice info and salam kenal ajach ya
Kunjungan Balik gan,,Terma KAsih
artikel yg mantap dan keren sekali patut di cermati
salam kenal,,kunjungan pertama nie
salam kenal,,kunjungan pertama nih
kunjungan baliknya,,ditunggu
mantap nieh infonya,,
apa kabar gan,,
oke juga ne infonya sangat bagus
ayo mampir balik...
mantap juga nie gan sangat menarik.........
salam kenal aja deh......
Thanks to Share...!
Goog luck :)
haloo semua
tetap jaga kesehatan,ok
numpang backlink sini yah
informasinya seru nih
nice and thanks.
WOW!!! Nice Post!
thanks banget gan.
good luck always ok!
thanks for share information to it.
kunjungan pertama backlink disini
izin menyimak ajach dulu soalnya belum paham betul
salam kenal gan
hai, apa kabarnya ne
dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung vitamins dan minerals kita dapat terhindar dari dampak terkena penyakit stroke dan serangan jantung
untuk semua orang disarankan menerapkan pola makan sehat yaitu 4sehat 5sempurna agar kita tak mudah terserang penyakit dengan kandungan vitamin dan mineral dalam makanan yang kita konsumsi, maka detak jantung kita akan tetap normal dan dapat mempertahankan kekuatan tulang
vitamin dan mineral memang sangat penting ya gan bagi kesehatan tubuh kita
terimaksih atas infonya
nice posting, vitamins n minerals are realy important for our health
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